Sod Lifter

Sod lifter is a product that is used to cut and move sod. This product is right for people who are looking for an easy way to cut sod and move it without destroying it. Most sod lifters are designed with a forged blade that makes it perfect for cutting. It is also designed in such a way that it makes it easier to lift the sod product from the ground. Most have a handle that is made out of steel or wood. The average weight of this product is around 5 lbs.

How Do You Use The Sod Lifter?

The sod lifter is very easy to use, as the individual who uses this product does not need to stoop or bend to pick up the sod. To remove the sod from the ground, all that is needed is to stick the sod lifter into the soft turf lawn. It is recommended that you use it on soft ground, but it works exceptionally well on hard ground. Once the lifter is in the ground, then individual will begin to “cut” out the shape of the sod that they want. The design of the lifter makes everything easy and a person will be able to cut the sod out in no time. The process can result in sod that is removed and peeled out like a piece of carpet.

This can also be used on large pieces of land that needs to be divided to get squares of sod.

Many sod lifters are designed to be very ergonomic. There is not much effort needed as the sod comes right out. All you are doing is putting the sod lifter into the ground and cutting out the sod that you need.

The sod lifter is perfect for landsacapers as it makes the job that much easier. People who want to cut their own sod should invest in this particular product.  This product is very easy to use and the only thing more effective is those motorized sod cutting machines.

Other Uses of Sod Lifter

The sod lifter can be used to create new edges on garden borders or create new edges in flower beds. It is also good at getting out old roots.

During the late winter and spring, the soil appears to be very sticky and heavy. The sod lifter can be used to break this soil out and disturb it enough where it is loose.

It is also good for use in the winter. When there are problems associated with snow and ice, such as driveways and sidewalks; the sod lifter can be used to remove and clear the obstructions.